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AKITA JALT meetings in 2003
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Guest speaker:Koki Dobashi
Date: Saturday, February 22 (2003)
How can teachers bring about language learning based on learning strategy at junior high school?
--- A practical approach for the development of  learner autonomy ---

19 people attended the meeting

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Akita JALT

Chapter Report
Akita: February
How Can Teachers Bring About Language Learning
Based on Learning Strategy at Junior High School?
By Koki Dobashi.

Due to the severity of the Akita winter our JALT chapter usually refrains from scheduling meetings during January and February, but for this talk an exception was made. Seventeen brave souls, five of whom were Native English speakers, braved the elements for Mr. Dobashi's presentation. He started with a PowerPoint presentation outlining the background of his study. His goal is to develop a system by which teachers can foster student autonomy in English learning through the use of learning strategies. Basing his work on Rebecca Oxford's SILL (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning), he divided his strategies into Direct and Indirect. Under Direct Strategies he included Memory Strategies; Cognitive Strategies; and Compensation Strategies. Under Indirect Strategies he cited Metacognitive Strategies; Affective Strategies; and Social Strategies.
The uniqueness of this study was his adjustment of mere 'theory' to the reality of students learning English in a Japanese junior high school. The first part of his presentation elucidated the details of the various strategies. The second part of the presentation was a question and answer period. Since many Japanese participants in the audience were employed as English teachers at junior high schools, a lively discussion of the practical aspects of his work then ensued.

Reported by Stephen Shucart
"GENKI" English education homepage by Takeshi Suzuki

Read My Diary 4(from January 1, 2003)
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